I'm pretty sure that's not how household income is determined.
You’re sure? Why are you sure? What are you basing it off of?
Multiple families don't file one big tax form because they live in the same house. Each family files separate taxes. I had roommates in college and we didn't file joint tax returns because we lived in the same house.
Who said it’s tax info. You think the IRS is giving this information out? Wrong.
And what's wrong with nepotism?
What’s not wrong with it??? You want the guy doing your heart surgery or flying your plane to be hired because of merit or because he knew the right people?
You’ve never worked in a company with Indians clearly. You get fired in your home country so some H1B street shitter can take your place, and then soon the entire company is Indian.
You’re sure? Why are you sure? What are you basing it off of?
Who said it’s tax info. You think the IRS is giving this information out? Wrong.
What’s not wrong with it??? You want the guy doing your heart surgery or flying your plane to be hired because of merit or because he knew the right people?
You’ve never worked in a company with Indians clearly. You get fired in your home country so some H1B street shitter can take your place, and then soon the entire company is Indian.