Clandestine- CNN and MSNBC ratings are in the tank, Fox News just signed their own death warrant, and the majority of Americans already get their news from Independent Journalism on social media.
Today will be known as the day that the legacy MSM officially died.
We are the News now.
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I keep wondering what and who is causing these corporations to act against their own financial interests. Normally, stakeholders are all about profits. I would really like to know exactly what powerful entity is telling Fox and Budweiser and others what to do — and what methods are they using to get them to obey. What are they more afraid of than going broke? Or are they being promised something of great value like Loretta Lynch on the tarmac? My intuition tells me that corporations with conservative customer bases are likely being threatened rather than bribed.
They make a pact with the devil so they got what they deserve.
This is an excellent point that doesn't get enough attention. It is like their fiduciary duty took a walk.
You want to see WHO is forcing their hand ?? The usual suspects —