There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true. But there is great value in running an alternative campaign, one that disregards the DNC, one that attempts to restore some semblance of intellectual honest and integrity for Democrats and Moderates to consider. It may be that, with RFK Jr's name recognition, he's the only guy on Planet Earth who could perform a runaround like this and score.
There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true. But there is great value in running an alternative campaign, one that disregards the DNC, one that attempts to restore some semblance of intellectual honest and integrity for Democrats and Moderates to consider. It may be that, with RFK Jr's name recognition, he's the only guy on Planet Earth who could perform a runaround like this and score.
Well perhaps his cousin... if he decides to step out of the shadows 😉
There's no point in exposing what everyone already knows to be true.