I grow quite weary of these mentally ill males (as they definitely aren’t even men) trying to systematically (I found a use of a democratic talking point word) appropriate everything they can from real women. No, you cannot have our ability to have babies, our softness yet strength, our beauty, our feminine attributes, or the love from our men, real men.
No, transsexual was dropped in favor of transgender because they are different words that mean different things. Transsexuals are people who have undergone a medical sex change. Not all transgender people have done so or want to do so.
Oh my god, dude, yes, that is precisely what they believe - that gender is a social construct. They would absolutely agree that the genders of transgender people are social constructs. That's the whole point - it's social and not biological, so despite their biological sex, they may change social genders as easily as you change clothing.
I think where you're getting tripped up is thinking "X is a social construct" is an insult or pejorative. It's not - social constructs are not inherently bad, nor are they inherently less real. In a community-focused organism like humans, social health is extremely important to the other factors of health, so social constructs have a great deal of impact on people. For example - race. Race in America is empirically a social construct, because who counts as "White" has changed over the 250 years. The biology of people with Irish heritage and German heritage and Russian heritage and Scottish and et cetera and so forth didn't change, the definition expanded to include them.
To be clear, not that various non-English peoples were seen as Black or Brown or "people of color" or whatever the fuck, just that Irishmen were seen as racially distinct from White people. Just check out early Irish slavery in the Americas.
So, race is a social construct, but that doesn't mean it isn't heavily influenced by a physical aspect, in this case biology, and that doesn't mean race isn't a powerful social force, or that the distinctions provided by the social construct of race are fake or without use.
The same is true of gender. After all, if it weren't, our society would have a built-in gender for intersex people (like some societies had), instead of historically being given transition treatment without their consent (or even knowledge) from birth. If your system of gender has less possibilities than possibilities for biological sex, that's a tacit admission by your society that gender is a social construct.
Which is okay! Gender being a social construct is just a statement of sociological fact. It doesn't imply anything moral. Gender can be a social construct, and you can still be against things that break social cohesion and norms, in the same way that you are against murder and theft. Just because there are human societies with multiple genders or that allow for changing of genders doesn't mean you have to want that for your society. Just means that what's true of your society is not inherently universal for the whole species, that's all.
I grow quite weary of these mentally ill males (as they definitely aren’t even men) trying to systematically (I found a use of a democratic talking point word) appropriate everything they can from real women. No, you cannot have our ability to have babies, our softness yet strength, our beauty, our feminine attributes, or the love from our men, real men.
Its gender appropriation
Pronoun appropriation.
I find it interesting that in your post you differentiate between sex and gender.
Male is what you biological sex is, but it takes more than male parts to make you a man.
So what you're saying is that there is a biological sex, and then a social gender informed not by biology but by presentation and action?
To be a man requires not just the parts. Kinda like it takes more than providing sperm to be a father.
The definition of “Gender” in old dictionaries is about “gendered language” like Las Los etc.
Later the word “gender” seems to have changed its defintion, to now be about how a person presents themselves, example as male or female.
Now the words gender and sex are routinely conflated to mean the same thing,
Which is why the word transsexual was dropped in favor of transgender.
My suspicion is that they were using word games to get around reality.
That reality being, that nobody can ever change their sex.
However, it is arguably possible for people can change their presentation (male or female) quite easily,
So by conflating sex/gender, they have deluded themselves into thinking if a man puts on a dress, he magically has a sex change
No, transsexual was dropped in favor of transgender because they are different words that mean different things. Transsexuals are people who have undergone a medical sex change. Not all transgender people have done so or want to do so.
well… if you look up the word “gender” in an old dictionary, you will find that its a word used to describe language, not people.
Then they try to re-define gender to mean how a person presents themselves.
Its only recently that they try to deliberately conflate “gender” and “sex”
Presumbably because everyone knows “trans-sexual” is a non-starter, because nobody can change their sex,
Whereas the public is still a little bit confused about “trans-gender”, and think anyone can change their presentation on a whim.
The trans activists are still trying to work out their vocabulary and talking points,
but unfortunately for them, they don’t focus-group test their new narratives to see what kinds of push-back they will get.
They just roll out some new bs talking point like “gender is a social construct!”
Without having the benefit of hearing “if cis gender is a social construct, then trans gender is also a social construct”.
They set themselves up to fail, by not thinking about what they say or do.
Oh my god, dude, yes, that is precisely what they believe - that gender is a social construct. They would absolutely agree that the genders of transgender people are social constructs. That's the whole point - it's social and not biological, so despite their biological sex, they may change social genders as easily as you change clothing.
I think where you're getting tripped up is thinking "X is a social construct" is an insult or pejorative. It's not - social constructs are not inherently bad, nor are they inherently less real. In a community-focused organism like humans, social health is extremely important to the other factors of health, so social constructs have a great deal of impact on people. For example - race. Race in America is empirically a social construct, because who counts as "White" has changed over the 250 years. The biology of people with Irish heritage and German heritage and Russian heritage and Scottish and et cetera and so forth didn't change, the definition expanded to include them.
To be clear, not that various non-English peoples were seen as Black or Brown or "people of color" or whatever the fuck, just that Irishmen were seen as racially distinct from White people. Just check out early Irish slavery in the Americas.
So, race is a social construct, but that doesn't mean it isn't heavily influenced by a physical aspect, in this case biology, and that doesn't mean race isn't a powerful social force, or that the distinctions provided by the social construct of race are fake or without use.
The same is true of gender. After all, if it weren't, our society would have a built-in gender for intersex people (like some societies had), instead of historically being given transition treatment without their consent (or even knowledge) from birth. If your system of gender has less possibilities than possibilities for biological sex, that's a tacit admission by your society that gender is a social construct.
Which is okay! Gender being a social construct is just a statement of sociological fact. It doesn't imply anything moral. Gender can be a social construct, and you can still be against things that break social cohesion and norms, in the same way that you are against murder and theft. Just because there are human societies with multiple genders or that allow for changing of genders doesn't mean you have to want that for your society. Just means that what's true of your society is not inherently universal for the whole species, that's all.