On one of my near local news web sites they had this article on the current adjustments being brought in on California’s Brown Act. This Act protects the public to have access to the local politicians meetings, speeches, and of course records. Well the 95% DemoLib State Assembly I’d trying to, and will easily succeed, in going to all online meetings. Covid lockdowns “started” online meetings to be fine and accepted. So here we are post-Covid, the Cabal in my State is going AI all-In.
So my morning Anon-thought-theory knowing how powerful AI is moving toward, and the TVphuckfakery of things that can be done on a view screen is; at least here in Cali, there really won’t be any real operating TV or On-Screen politicians. The only time you’ll see a so-called real politician doing anything is real local, public events/appearances.
Other than that, I would not doubt already and very soon, everything you see on a screen/TV will be just an AI and not a real person doing ANYTHING. Writing speeches, providing info or anything. It’ll all be a computer generating what ever NewScum and the rest of the Cabal totally want from any distance.
And on that, think how long this has possibly, already been going on with all the “conspiracy info” we Anons have been Awaken to on “fake actors”. I clearly see California’s Assembly, if there really is one left now, just destroying the Brown Act to make AI fakery official and legal.
Discussion and thoughts my frens please.
The owner of Gab is hiring AI engineers for projects.