27 If you get hatemail, know your enemy: they are trannies (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by Robyna7 1 year ago by Robyna7 +27 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Also slobs.
I can smell that room from here
I bet that room smells like sweaty balls and desperation to be relevant.
Cleanliness is next to godliness. Just sayin'.
Well they are godless commies so it makes sense they live in filth.
I recognize the rainbow LGBT pride flag.
The pink/purple/blue stripped flag next to the LGBT pride flag is for bisexual pride.
The blue flag with the compass rose is for NATO.
The light blue/pink/white stripped flag is for transsexual pride.
The red flag with the white and black hands clasping before a rose is for DSA (Democratic Socialst of America)
Also of note is the anime posters and figurines in a display case. They care more about toys than anything else in that room.
Even Reddit has been having a blast rifting on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/rf2hiz/okey_guys_whose_room_is_this/