Majority stockholder usually holds under 10%.
Over 10% is a 'controlling position' not allowed by most investment vehicles, ie mutual funds. Anti-Monopoly law I believe.
That's why Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owns such little stakes in so many micro-cap companies. He says he would LOVE to own more of the small stuff, but he is capped out at the 9.99% level, on thousands of them, and cant go higher.
Yeah. Majority stockholder usually holds under 10%.
Over 10% is a 'controlling position' not allowed by most investment vehicles, ie mutual funds. Anti-Monopoly law I believe.
That's why Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owns such little stakes in so many micro-cap companies. He says he would LOVE to own more of the small stuff, but he is capped out at the 9.99% level, on thousands of them, and cant go higher.
Ah thanks. Very good to know! Appreciated anon.