Local news was discussing Biden's recent announcement to run again. Talking about his claims of "the largest creation of jobs ever" and the anchor said how it was simply because of reopening the economy and getting previous jobs back. They really broke it down for the normies to make it obvious.
My first thought was "the tide has turned, patriots in control".
I'm sure there is more but for msm (even if it's our local channels) covering this is a milestone and there is likely much more to come.
I had the same reaction. I struggle to see a scenario where the cabal willingly puts Mashed Potato Brains up for 2024. Now, could it be a feint and someone else winds up running? Possibly.
But as empty as the Left's bench is, there are far better candidates that a senile old pedophile. This is in my opinion, a sign of the cabal's loss of control.