"The Eye of Ra is a symbol of the sun god Ra, while the Eye of Horus embodies the god Horus. The Eye of Ra is a right eye, while the Eye of Horus is a left eye. The Eye of Ra is often accompanied by a teardrop or cobra, while the Eye of Horus has markings resembling those of a falcon."
"The Eye of Ra symbolized power, fury, and violence. It was the eye of Ra, god of the sun, and was the embodiment of Ra's daughter. Ra sent his daughter to punish his disrespectful followers, leading the eye to be associated with power and violence."
Any conception of God whatsoever is a mental image, infact anything physical can only be said to be an image in relation to the way you are thinking about it, so all images are ultimately mental, there is no such thing as a physical image, only your mental impression and ideas about it. Indeed the entire Bible could be construed as an image, as it is words which are images/symbols which represent reality, not the actual reality itself. It makes sense that if the Bible is pointing at anything, it is pointing at a reality that is not the words being spoken, as all language is a symbol that points at reality, not the actual reality itself. Is the purpose of Religion to recite words in a certain order, or is it an actual experience the likes of which words can never truly describe? In this sense any conversation about God has no meaning, you saying "and God spoke" has no greater meaning than someone else saying "the eye of ra symbolized", both are images and the advice offered is to go beyond images.
The average Christian probably doesn't like to hear this, but face it, unity with God means unity with God. Anything and everything you speak about is God's territory, to suggest otherwise seems to suggest that God is only the creator of some things, not all, and unless I'm utterly mistaken, the english word "God" refers to an entity that creates everything instead of only a few things with the others being sourced elsewhere. It is only when you confuse the words with the actual reality that you start fighting with people over what words are the correct ones, forgetting that all words are a symbol, not the reality itself. In other words, stop making all these graven images about God and the nature of reality and experience it directly for yourself like the Bible is trying to tell you to do! Isn't the whole point an experience rather than an image?
"The Eye of Ra is a symbol of the sun god Ra, while the Eye of Horus embodies the god Horus. The Eye of Ra is a right eye, while the Eye of Horus is a left eye. The Eye of Ra is often accompanied by a teardrop or cobra, while the Eye of Horus has markings resembling those of a falcon." "The Eye of Ra symbolized power, fury, and violence. It was the eye of Ra, god of the sun, and was the embodiment of Ra's daughter. Ra sent his daughter to punish his disrespectful followers, leading the eye to be associated with power and violence."
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Any conception of God whatsoever is a mental image, infact anything physical can only be said to be an image in relation to the way you are thinking about it, so all images are ultimately mental, there is no such thing as a physical image, only your mental impression and ideas about it. Indeed the entire Bible could be construed as an image, as it is words which are images/symbols which represent reality, not the actual reality itself. It makes sense that if the Bible is pointing at anything, it is pointing at a reality that is not the words being spoken, as all language is a symbol that points at reality, not the actual reality itself. Is the purpose of Religion to recite words in a certain order, or is it an actual experience the likes of which words can never truly describe? In this sense any conversation about God has no meaning, you saying "and God spoke" has no greater meaning than someone else saying "the eye of ra symbolized", both are images and the advice offered is to go beyond images.
The average Christian probably doesn't like to hear this, but face it, unity with God means unity with God. Anything and everything you speak about is God's territory, to suggest otherwise seems to suggest that God is only the creator of some things, not all, and unless I'm utterly mistaken, the english word "God" refers to an entity that creates everything instead of only a few things with the others being sourced elsewhere. It is only when you confuse the words with the actual reality that you start fighting with people over what words are the correct ones, forgetting that all words are a symbol, not the reality itself. In other words, stop making all these graven images about God and the nature of reality and experience it directly for yourself like the Bible is trying to tell you to do! Isn't the whole point an experience rather than an image?