I'm looking out my office window at an old "contrail" that just won't go away; it just keeps expanding. I'm also seeing other wider cloudlike lines in the sky that look as though they were probably "contrails" from earlier today. Just yesterday I saw another contrail in the same part of the sky which quickly evaporated. Yesterday's weather was very similar to today's so why would some contrails quickly disappear while others persist on similar weather days. My question is this: How do the Normies or "experts" explain persistent contrails? Is there a meteorological explanation they try to put forth? Follow-on question: How do those of us who think this is intentional poisoning of the skies (and thus, of us) explain the process of getting the chemicals into the aircraft in order to create these persistent trails? I am a 30-year plus aviation technician (although not in the airline segment since the 90s) and I don't see how this would get by the people involved in the airline ground support trades. I'm 100% sure there is something seriously nefarious going on here but I can't explain how they get away with it. Another follow-on question: Since bad actors are involved, why wouldn't they just do this crap at night when it's not so obvious? I apologize if I sound like a naïve peasant, but my experience with all the regulations around aircraft certification and operations (including time in the aviation industry as a government employee) makes it difficult for me to explain this to a normie.
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Thanks for your response and for the resources. I use ADS-B Exchange on a nearly daily basis so I can identify the aircraft making these trails and it seems that they are nearly all commercial airliners. I'm in the private jet end of the industry and can see no evidence that this is being done while aircraft are in maintenance or otherwise parked. The only thing I've thought of, and it's far-fetched, is that certain batches of fuel have these substances and TPTB have a clandestine procedure for getting this by all the fuel purity and composition standards. Where are these spray nozzles that you speak of? I've been an aircraft mechanic for over thirty years and I've never seen such a thing except on actual crop dusters. Thanks again.
There are patents for dispersing aerosols via fuel, with extensive drawings. That said, I'm not sure how extensively this method was ever used, if at all. (This method is probably only appropriate for the creation and dispersal of sulfur dioxide, which is not a powerful-enough geoengineering tool.) I have many photos and video showing the tanks installed inside the fuselage, and the piping leading out to nozzles on the wings. You have no knowledge of this, because you do not work on these aircraft. Aluminum, barium, and strontium nanoparticles are sold in bulk 55-gallon drums, and delivered to private and/or military hangars, where they are loaded into the aircraft by a small group of people on the payroll. They are aerosolized by some process, and fed to nozzles independently of the fuel system.
I have tracked a handful of commercial airliners, too. Again, these mechanics are a tight-knit group, many who have been threatened. If you read the link I provided, you can see how these threats work. Certain aircraft are probably only worked on by "cooperative" mechanics, trained to know about compartments housing the special storage and dispersal devices.
Here along the Gulf Coast, as I mentioned, most of the aircraft leaving trails are the twin-engine corporates. I believe how they avoid scrutiny, at least partially, is the way they drop their payloads here, then fly several hundred miles across several jurisdictions to land. No one's waiting for them on the ground, and they just roll into a private hangar.
I've never been threatened. Their is no spray equipment on airlines.
I can prove you wrong with photos and video -- from inside the aircraft. I have photos of military pilots wearing special patches. I have photos of the instrument panels showing "chemtrail" switches, bleeders, and timers.
The fact that you make the claim you have, puts you on a "list" where you work not to be one of the ones allowed near those aircraft.
It's part of my job to also install labels on switches.
I could label them wwg1wga or NCSWIC and take a picture, doesn't prove anything. Aircraft parts and maintenance is very regulated and documented. Also mechanics move around a lot, their would be talk.