That's how i feel this year so I'm just wondering if you were telling 'get out' back in 2016.
I was voting for the best choice each primary and then only djt at the end so hrc didn't get in.
That's how i feel this year so I'm just wondering if you were telling 'get out' back in 2016.
I was voting for the best choice each primary and then only djt at the end so hrc didn't get in.
I won’t claim I was fully awake in 2016, but I was awake enough to be totally discouraged by the Republican field. I liked what then candidate Trump was saying, but was trying to reconcile it with his celebrity persona.
As he lay waste to the Republican challengers my respect for him started to grow. What was different in 2016 is it was more obvious the Republican holdouts didn’t want to win the General Election, they just wanted to stop Trump.
As someone who already believed there was a Uniparty, the 2016 Republican Primary made it obvious. Most, if not everyone, in that field were running to be the person who would lose to Hillary.