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EPOCH TIMES EXCLUSIVE: Canadian Military 2021 Memo Stated COVID Vaccine Mandate Would Not Be ‘Informed Consent’


"... “Medical ethical restrictions prevent CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] Health Services personnel from administering vaccines without the informed consent of the recipients. Coercion of CAF members to accept vaccination under threat of military discipline would not constitute informed consent,” the memo reads. Dated Aug. 12, 2021, the memo was sent to Chief of the Defence Staff Wayne Eyre... “Current epidemiological modelling suggest that there lacks strong evidence to require vaccination of the remaining percentage of unvaccinated CAF members,” said the memo, noting the already high uptake of over 90 percent. “Establishing a POV [proof of vaccination] requirement for the CAF would not only be punitive in nature, but would also be counter to the successful efforts made to date to encourage maximum voluntary uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine.” "

They knew what they were doing. They all knew. They did it anyway, and now they are trying to "walk it back".

Sorry, no. We remember.