I am REALLY HOPING that the plan still includes absolute proof that 2020 was fixed/stolen.
If not, the Cabal gains back a lot of brainshare among the dipshits in this country who were starting to wake up.
Furthermore, it is the PERFECT TIME to show us the truth, because the country--even the dems--is so TIRED of FJB.
If we let the dems transition to a different candidate, we have allowed too many people to conclude that Q, and Anons, are simply conspiracy theorists... and although I don't give a shit personally, strategically that is a loss and prolongs the Awakening.
What say the rest of you? Where is the Plan headed with respect to 2020?
The 2020 election rigging was the pandemic, the phony ballots, and the ballot harvesting mules. All the Dominion talk was noise, not signal. And, the Dominion noise was made to cover up the outcome determinative factor, ballot stuffing.
Q post 4688, point 8 called it with an eerily accurate prediction of 80 millions votes. I first read this post in December of 2020 and it convinced me to register on this board.
Even though I’m not a huge Bannon fan, I remember him going off on all the people focusing and talking about the Dominion machines. Again, somewhere around mid December 2020, he said emphatically then it was the counterfeit ballots and ballot harvesting.
As for your friends and family? If they don’t understand simple statistics you will never convince them. No way 25 million new voters came out of the woodwork in a pandemic to vote. Roughly 129 million people voted in 2016 and 2020 would not have deviated much from that number.
We know for sure President Trump received at least 74 million votes. That means Biden received somewhere around 55 million. I wish I had that graphic about bellwether states, cities, and counties because it supports this conclusion. Trump actually won a landslide, and throw in there is no way in hell Biden bested Obama 2008, and certainly not by 13 million votes.
No, it wasn't. Dominion was the linchpin. The ballot harvesting is routine. The low-level physical vote theft is usual and customary. Republicans compete against a 5-7% disadvanatage at baseline. But that doesn't swing Biden to 13 million more votes than ever cast for a candidate for president in history. The highest ever vote total was 69 million for Hussein. Biden claimed 13 million more. It was 17-18% more than the highest ever. And let's be clear here, Biden didn't campaign. He couldn't draw flies. He didn't get 69 million. We're talking ~20+ million fake votes.
The only way to get that is to siphon off a portion of Trump's votes and tally them for Biden and to do it in real time. They had to have software do it. We watched it on TV in real time. There are videos all over the internet showing the vote switches when tranches suddenly went down for Trump and up for Biden. We know how it was done. They used the 2010 census data to set up a model of results precinct by precinct. The software did the switching. And fake physical ballots were brought in in 6 key counties where they knew there would be hand recounts. Every other audit effort was stuffed by the Republicans themselves. Judges were pressured and refused to even hear election challenges.
Again, to be clear. The job was simply too big for the kind of hands-on ballot harvesting and fake votes that normally gets attributed. You can't generate 20+ million fake votes that way and get away with it. The electronic records would easily show it... unless the electronic records were being changed as well. Dominion was the key.
Yeah, I always wondered about that too.
Agree with all of that.
But when will it be slammed down everyone's throat???
I don’t like the answer, but I think it will coincide with the 2024 election. I’m basing that on the timeline in post 3387.
yeah, I think you're right.
Basing off the OP comment here who made great points. How could it be mathematically probable that Biden won more black voters in half of the counties than Obama, way more than Hillary received, while Trump gained more black votes than any republican president in the last 100 years, while also gaining more votes as an incumbent president than another president? Factor in the 4am votes allowing Biden to "win" over night when no one was watching. Guiliani has hundreds of people testify in all of these states on record at real hearings. Democrats never had that during Mueller and the judges completely didn't even look at it or any of the statistical anomalies. 2000 mules movie proves without a doubt shenanigans with ballot harvesting. I mean if they cannot take any of this into consideration. Than they are clearly too far gone. Sorry to say.