I am REALLY HOPING that the plan still includes absolute proof that 2020 was fixed/stolen.
If not, the Cabal gains back a lot of brainshare among the dipshits in this country who were starting to wake up.
Furthermore, it is the PERFECT TIME to show us the truth, because the country--even the dems--is so TIRED of FJB.
If we let the dems transition to a different candidate, we have allowed too many people to conclude that Q, and Anons, are simply conspiracy theorists... and although I don't give a shit personally, strategically that is a loss and prolongs the Awakening.
What say the rest of you? Where is the Plan headed with respect to 2020?
Yes, that's obvious. But that doesn't really help in the warto awaken people
Well friend, if you're looking for magic words, they don't exist.
All you can do is tell them the truth. Fox made claims about Dominion because it verified them to be true. Otherwise, they never would have made it to air. Dominion sued to protect their reputation, because anything other than that is an admission that they rigged the election and carried out a coup d'etat by robbing the US of it's rightfully elected leader.
So why did Murdoch back down on the lawsuit when his own reputation was on the line? Why did he pay $800 million to say his own network lied? Because that was the cost of cementing the fake narrative. Had he fought and won, it would have meant proving that Trump was the rightful President. And Murdoch hates Trump. He hates Trump badly enough to fire his hottest prime time hosts. Tucker dominated weekdays and Bongino ruled the weekends. And Murdoch didn't fire them. He took them off their shows, but didn't cancel their contracts. He's still going to pay them, but use the contract to keep them from speaking on any other platform.
These people have so much money they're willing to lose billions to stop Trump.
And they're not done.
They've tried framing the man for treason, twice! It failed. They tried the Al Capone strategy of getting him by his taxes. Turns out Trump overpaid. 7 years of fake accusations, frame-ups, politically-motivated charges, opportunistic porn stars and their ambulance-chasing lawyers trying to make a buck. And they've got nothing. Ask you friends and family when is enough enough? How much evidence do they need that it's not Trump who's the lying, corrupt, dishonest creep. It's the ones making the accusations.
I agree... and sadly, I cannot let go of the hope that there will be something magical to say or point to. Maybe my own need to feel validated is what's bugging me.