Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

This sure seems like an important context to see all of the "israel for last" stuff through.
Revelation 2:9
New King James Version
9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
And if you look through that lens - you can surely see the bus nearing that gate of reveal.
All the anti-Jew stuff is horrible, frankly. If you know your Bible, you understand that it is the hearts of that culture that have led them to stray from God.
And if you understand that - you'll understand that WE here in the US have allowed the VERY SAME THING to happen in our culture.
Keep your eye on the ball - it's not a Race that is the problem - it is EVIL and our inability to keep ourselves from it.
Thankfully - the Bible gives us freedom and hope from that - in Jesus' sacrifice.