Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

Different religions were founded in different times and different cultural contexts for different peoples. Compared to what preceded Islam, the Arabic people's were far better off with Islam.
Ultimately, however, all religions are flawed, because humans are flawed. However, in my view, all true religions have the purpose of preparing their respective people to lay a foundation to receive Christ.
Islam arose due primarily to the failure of the Israelites to accept Jesus. That failure left a massive gap, and the rift between Ishmael and Isaac was never resolved. Thus, Islam arose.
Finally, never underestimate the ability of the devil to infiltrate and undermine what God initiates. That will continue until humanity unites fully with Christ, via the 2nd coming.
Apologies for a highly theological rant.