Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

And to think almost nobody knows/understands what the original meaning and definition of the word "Jew" (Judean) meant in the bible. It had nothing to do with a place, a country, a geographical region, a belief system, a bloodline or anything else along these lines.
The "opposite" of a Judean was either called an Egyptian or Sodomite, where an Egyptian had nothing to do with a place, a geographical region or country, and a sodomite had nothing to do with a crude sexual act, as both of these words are defined today.
There's a tiny sect known as the "Ethiopian Jews" who do understand, and represent this original meaning of the word "Judean".
Nothing has proven to deceive humanity more than the slippery, often changed, often misunderstood, often mistranslated, often assigned multiple definitions and meanings of words.
We have an entire system of control based solely on this deception. We call it the "legal system", where "legalese" is consistently used to deceive the masses. Further illustrated by their heavy use of Latin, a language where words truly do only have one meaning. English, on the other hand, is a disaster, quite purposefully I might add.
If words don't mean one thing, and only one thing, then they really don't mean anything.
Yes, and no. You had me up until "If words don't mean one thing, and only one thing, then they really don't mean anything."
As a linguist, I think this view is pretty whack. This issue (imo) is not the language per se, but with what motivation it is used and activated.
Speaking around 4 languages, I find there are strengths and weaknesses in each and every one, alongside aspects of amazing beauty plus very human limitations.
But how about them Ethiopian Jews, huh. Resting place of the Ark, and all that...
Tell me, are you a "person"?
Nice one.
I think we can leave that as a rhetorical question, n'est pas?
I reckon we both know what you are referring to....
But it certainly doesn't refute my point, in my view.