Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

I would agree , on the whole. However, as rooftoptendie points out:
I personally think it was a government ploy to gain either riches, power or both. The disrespect for our rights under the Bill of Rights, and pushing it on us in the name of 'peace and security' that resulted from the event really gives (and should give one) pause, especially since no one had the integrity to take former congressman Ron Paul's advice and issue letters of Marque and Reprisal, rather than going after a nation that was not likely to be involved at all.