Remember, y'all. We are red-pilling NORMIES. Normies don't research things as deeply as we do. The best way to red-pill them is to feed them content that requires much less thinking. Hence why pop culture is important.
Rosanne Barr, one of the earlier victims of Cancel Culture, was a guest on the Tonight Show. When the host talked about Trump, Rosanne said that everyone has a right to their political views. And the audience applauded. How is this YUGE: Rosanne is one of the most blacklisted celebrities, AND she's allowed to appear on a super normie TV show, AND nobody scolded her for promoting political tolerance.
Star Trek Picard had its final season. The first 2 seasons were woke shit because Patrick Stewart and the show runner publicly said that the show is meant to be woke propaganda. In the final season, the whole season focussed on the importance of starting a family, and how no other human relationships can replace family relationships. It's a YUGE departure from the woke messages of the previous seasons. Further insult to injury: the final episodes look like a metaphor of today's young people being brainwashed by a totalitarian force.
Super Mario Bros movie is breaking industry records everywhere. AND that's before it's released in Japan or South Korea yet. The movie is not woke. So the wokies are panicking because they hate it when the market confirms that their jobs and projects are useless.
Was that Mario movie actually good? I have been thinking about watching it but Mario movie have always been terrible in the past.
I heard good things. It's produced and animated by the same company that did Minions.
Here's the big selling point: Nintendo is quite involved in the production. So if they see shit, they intervene. There were even rumours that they rejected some woke elements.
Nintendo very deliberately wanted the movie to be animated because they felt that the previous film from the 90s was way too different from the video games.
Yeah, it's a good family movie.
And there is not a single jogger in the entire film. Not a one. Very rare these days.
I didn't know what it was and had to look it up on urbandictionary.