I don’t listen to Crowder, so I have no dog in this hunt. But ever been in a nasty argument with your girlfriend or wife? Said or did things you regret? Can someone take a partial video and spin a narrative around it? What happened before this video? Or last week?
So F*** Candace Owens. My issue is with her. What’s the point of this? Candace claims she is…what…showing it to bring some “truth” to the masses? No, she is salivating and enjoying this. She is desperate to trash Crowder after their spat.
Candace is a master manipulator. And this is evil.
It is impossible to tell the full context of the argument. It sounds like there were many things that preceded what we saw on video. I have heard my next door neighbors have worse fights literally in this past month and the next day they were hugging and kissing in the back yard. There is a toxic thing happening in this country where every domestic argument is now "male abuse". Candice Owens is contributing to this toxicity, in my opinion.
Yup. And if Candace Owens was really sincere in her…whatever her reason is, her title would not be…
“Steven Crowder is a monster. Change my mind.”
She set up the narrative in the title. That’s what evil, manipulative people do.
Plus, who gave the vid out? The wife. She knew she was being recorded. She knows she was going to put it out and make SC look as bad as possible. She knew what buttons to push to get a response. And then says over and over and over, “I Love You,” making herself the poor, abused, pregnant wife.
Does SC look like an ass? Sure. But like you said, I’ve seen way worse fights with way worse things said in couples who are still together.
Yes. Her husband’s family is said to be crazy rich. The son could have picked any beautiful, physically perfect model to marry. And with what we know about bloodlines and their obsession in keeping them pure…why Candace?
I don’t listen to Crowder, so I have no dog in this hunt. But ever been in a nasty argument with your girlfriend or wife? Said or did things you regret? Can someone take a partial video and spin a narrative around it? What happened before this video? Or last week?
So F*** Candace Owens. My issue is with her. What’s the point of this? Candace claims she is…what…showing it to bring some “truth” to the masses? No, she is salivating and enjoying this. She is desperate to trash Crowder after their spat.
Candace is a master manipulator. And this is evil.
It is impossible to tell the full context of the argument. It sounds like there were many things that preceded what we saw on video. I have heard my next door neighbors have worse fights literally in this past month and the next day they were hugging and kissing in the back yard. There is a toxic thing happening in this country where every domestic argument is now "male abuse". Candice Owens is contributing to this toxicity, in my opinion.
Yup. And if Candace Owens was really sincere in her…whatever her reason is, her title would not be…
“Steven Crowder is a monster. Change my mind.”
She set up the narrative in the title. That’s what evil, manipulative people do.
Plus, who gave the vid out? The wife. She knew she was being recorded. She knows she was going to put it out and make SC look as bad as possible. She knew what buttons to push to get a response. And then says over and over and over, “I Love You,” making herself the poor, abused, pregnant wife.
Does SC look like an ass? Sure. But like you said, I’ve seen way worse fights with way worse things said in couples who are still together.
You have to set those Ring cameras in a way to record everything. She wanted to gaslight him and record it.
Her hubby Farmer is very deepstake connected. Just coincidentally.
Yes. Her husband’s family is said to be crazy rich. The son could have picked any beautiful, physically perfect model to marry. And with what we know about bloodlines and their obsession in keeping them pure…why Candace?
Seems she sold her soul to the devil.
F candance Owens is correct , period ,, anything she’s involved in , is as dirty as her !
I never followed Shapiro either so…
Candace Owens
Agree. Thx for the link.