Good Spotlight on X22Report Anons about the incoming World Scare Event. This is also possibly referred as “America’s Near Death Experience” by Juan O’Savin in the last 2 years. (3:05pm Edit: and for fuck’s sake Juan griefer’s, this is not a Juan Video!) Things could be different going forward, but could be the culminations of all US events as he has discussed and Q has warned/foretold. Time is up to be Prepped Anons for these events, fallout, and mentally prepare to help other Sheeple understand. That is our sworn roll Anons, for Where We Go One We Go All.
Also please read Principalities and Powers Chapter 2: The Sword. Starts on X22’s main Home Page.
God bless you all Anons for all you have done, are doing, and what we must face and do for our Countries.
I have folks that would like to see this but are out of internet range. Anyone know of a download link?
X22 does have a website with some downloadable links
It does. Thank you.