Have you noticed people seem to have disengaged from a lot of sites (Rumble, Telegram and so on evident by view counts, ratings, likes, etc?
I've noticed this over the past 3-6 months. Viewership seems to be down tremendously. I think many are becoming tired and ready to move on with their lives. Jesus take the wheel.
Bingo! That has been my sentiment lately. We keep hearing from the die hards that we have to wake up the normies... that is now a stupid statement. IF the normies are not awake at this point they are in a comatose/vegetative state or fucking brain dead. Those people no longer matter.
Time to remove the life support and move on. Either this plan is real and needs to be executed now.. or we have been fooled.
Anymore waiting will lead to disengagement as folks are now trying to maintain their sanity and/or their family's and friends believe they are lunatics.
Try joining the truth movement since 9/11 and hoping for any kinda of truth to pop. Things do come out but it’s a slow drip always has been maybe the drip is getting faster
Agreed, at some point sitting on evidence is being complicit in the crime. It's been years, time to end this shit.
People that say "wait for normal people" or whatever, they are being manipulative. People are awake. Everyone knows about the lies and the bad things in the world. They are not all obsessed with it. Also, not everyone has all of the same presumptions that the average anon makes. For example, there's no "waking up" to apocalypse or other religion based facts. That's just one. There's many others. Normal people that aren't obsessed, haven't lost all their friends and family and aren't utterly destroyed over this preoccupation, aren't exactly being tempted to listen or consider what very fanatical seeming people with such a need to be heard and then obeyed, are saying. That was a bit of a run in sentence but I don't wanna fix it.
Anyway, be good and treat people kindly.