Have you noticed people seem to have disengaged from a lot of sites (Rumble, Telegram and so on evident by view counts, ratings, likes, etc?
I've noticed this over the past 3-6 months. Viewership seems to be down tremendously. I think many are becoming tired and ready to move on with their lives. Jesus take the wheel.
Telegram is user unfriendly. It takes up a lot of space for the app too. Overloaded my note and was unusable.
From my brief time with Telegram, I think I noted that it didn't compress or delete data that had been seen before / hasn't been called yet.
e.g. a well designed app would delete data from storage if it hasn't been called for, say, a week or two..say, a thousand lines up where you'd have to scroll for a while before seeing it, calling it, and downloading the content.
I noted my Telegram was getting heavier even though I'd only used it once or twice, and ultimately uninstalled it since I just don't like the format.