Not sure if this has been discussed yet but I noticed that shortly after the Nashville shooter, the MSM started turning their narrative towards these stories where some random person gets shot in a situation that seems totally ridiculous for someone to get shot.
Man in his 80's shoots and kills a young black guy who "just knocked on his door". Some scattered protests for a few days. Didn't get a huge response though. Now a man in Texas shoots 5 of his neighbours after they asked him "to stop making noise" so their baby could sleep.
As Anons, we are very good at spotting patterns in the media. What narratives are they pushing at any given time.
They must have realized that the mass shooters weren't getting the response they hope for anymore. People are numb to it or see how they're being manipulated now. When the Nashville shooter happened, most people saw the hypocrisy in the response from the MSM and the Left.
They must have known this. Then they panicked and changed course.
"The mass shootings aren't working anymore! They're causing too many other issues and people are seeing our strategy now. We can't have any shooters with manifesto's or where police can drop information that doesn't help us. Let's switch to focusing on random people who get shot in seemingly normal situations. That way we don't have to worry about a manifesto or some big mass shooting. We'll focus on how people wouldn't die when someone gets angry if they didn't have a gun at all"
It's far too obvious. We need to make sure we point this out to as many people as possible.
There was the wrong driveway shooting too...
...and the wrong car...
Oh! And don't forget the ball that went over the neighbours fence and the guy opened fire on the whole family.
There was also that Canadian guy that got stabbed to death at Starbucks for asking an Indian guy to stop vaping in his toddler's face.
Strange times indeed...