Tired of the America hate
This isn’t about liberals or anything. It’s about remarks like: “America has No culture” or “American culture is just a watered down version of stolen European culture”. It gets annoying to hear such rubbish when you’re a patriot. I’m tired of it.
I’ve also heard that America never was anything but a copy of other cultures.
What would Rome look like without the Greek or the earlier Etruscans? What would the Korean peninsula look like without the influence from China? Persia without the Assyrian Empire?
So many other examples in history.
Nobody got here by themselves, and history is full of both peaceful and aggressive cultural transfers.
The whole argument is such a communist play, they want to depress the population, getting them to disassociate with the culture they grew up in.
Most people have a hard time defining what culture is anyway.
Some people talk about culture as if it's a game stat, quantified in numbers.