I know the US-Mexican boarder is filled with kidnappings, US tourism, crimes, drugs and deaths.. lol migrants..,
But: There are smaller pockets of expats who are enjoying their freedom and life outside the United States!
Anyone on here living in Mexico or considering it as an option!?
I’ve heard mixed on Japan. Idk how easy it is to get permits either.
Japan Is Giving Away Abandoned Houses for Free: https://yandex.com/video/preview/2155113127798911445
One of the big draw backs tho is one example you cant own a gun. I dont plan on moving out of the us but that would be where id probably go
People can make a gun practically anywhere using items from a hardware store!
That's unfortunately what happened to Abe.
If you move to Japan, get one of these: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.qJZ8iTK-L7K97doILLKbRAHaE8&pid=Api
Damn i love katanas howd i not think of that lmao