He wasn’t even in the same room at the time.
I was called to jury duty today and of course I went bc civic duty. Usually they don’t use me but today I got to the juror interview part. They swear us all in. Everyone is in the same room and you state your occupation and spouses occupation children, grandchildren, and hobbies and juror experience. After that the prosecutor asks questions. If you have an answer you raise your hand and speak. You must answer any question asked truthfully cause your under oath.
I had an acquaintance who worked at the DA when they said her name I admitting knowing her.
Then they asked about auto theft had anyone in my life had their car stolen. I spoke on that and was told that case is similar to this one can I be impartial I said yes.
Then they asked if anyone had followed closely any cases in our county of national significance! I was THE ONLY one who said, Yes, I closely followed a national local case. He asked was it Kyle Rittenhouse case. I said YES. He asked if I formed any opinions about the DA or others involved in the case. I replied Yes the DA. He returned DA Binger? I said yes, DA Binger. He asked what was my opinion?
I said clearly and loudly that he was a liar and a master manipulator!
He asked if I could judge this case with him prosecuting I said yes but I’d know DA Binger if entered the room. He thanked me for my honesty and when all was said and done Chosen jurors stood up. I was not asked to stand up. I am sure I will never serve on a jury in Kenosha County ever for the rest of my life bc Binger is a piece of shit and I will always tell the truth!
So yes, Kyle saved me from jury duty.
Or at minimum, sow doubt that they did not want.