The cabal runs all countries, and has run all countries since time immemorial. Certain groups/tribes/cultures/outposts resisted the cabal throughout history, but all eventually fell.
The Germanic peoples or central/northern Europe, often mislabeled in establishment false history books and Hollyweird films as "barbarians" or "uncivilized" (meaning, not under the thumb of the "civil/serf/legal" powers) were the last stronghold that fought off the Roman ("Civil nation") incursions for centuries.
The United States had a few brief windows of partial freedom (1776-1811), (1838-1859) but the "Civil War" (see that word again?) was the end of what the founders had intended.
Here's the good news OP; the cabal are losing and have technically lost, which is evidenced in the large numbers of people waking up to the same. As Q said, when the people wake up, their reign is over. When we stop BELIEVING what they're selling, it's game over.
We all lead in our small circles of family, friends, co-workers, etc. My 3 step process to speeding things up is: 1. Become aware 2. Spread awareness 3. Withdraw your participation and attention from the cabal's offerings.
Step one requires one to stop blindly believing in authorities/experts as they are largely wrong about most of what they think they know as well as examining some of your beliefs, established when you were a young child, and being willing to question whether they're true or not. Step two requires courage to not be afraid to speak up and break away from the herd mentality in order to "go along to get along". Once you're comfortable with the first two steps, the third step quickly becomes your natural behavior. My experience with others I've red-pilled over the yeas is that the hard part is breaking away from the herd.
As Gandhi said long ago, "Be the change you want to see in the world". This is the way forward. No "leader" is going to fix anything for us. We must do it individually first which will then influence the collective and eventually, the "100th monkey effect" will occur.
The cabal runs all countries, and has run all countries since time immemorial. Certain groups/tribes/cultures/outposts resisted the cabal throughout history, but all eventually fell.
The Germanic peoples or central/northern Europe, often mislabeled in establishment false history books and Hollyweird films as "barbarians" or "uncivilized" (meaning, not under the thumb of the "civil/serf/legal" powers) were the last stronghold that fought off the Roman ("Civil nation") incursions for centuries.
The United States had a few brief windows of partial freedom (1776-1811), (1838-1859) but the "Civil War" (see that word again?) was the end of what the founders had intended.
Here's the good news OP; the cabal are losing and have technically lost, which is evidenced in the large numbers of people waking up to the same. As Q said, when the people wake up, their reign is over. When we stop BELIEVING what they're selling, it's game over.
We all lead in our small circles of family, friends, co-workers, etc. My 3 step process to speeding things up is: 1. Become aware 2. Spread awareness 3. Withdraw your participation and attention from the cabal's offerings.
Step one requires one to stop blindly believing in authorities/experts as they are largely wrong about most of what they think they know as well as examining some of your beliefs, established when you were a young child, and being willing to question whether they're true or not. Step two requires courage to not be afraid to speak up and break away from the herd mentality in order to "go along to get along". Once you're comfortable with the first two steps, the third step quickly becomes your natural behavior. My experience with others I've red-pilled over the yeas is that the hard part is breaking away from the herd.
As Gandhi said long ago, "Be the change you want to see in the world". This is the way forward. No "leader" is going to fix anything for us. We must do it individually first which will then influence the collective and eventually, the "100th monkey effect" will occur.
Stay strong and Godspeed OP!