Dear frens, I am feeling compelled and led by the spirit of Christ to send out an SOS for a patient I see regularly.
Without giving specifics, he is in a really, really bad place. He served for many years during Bush/Clinton/Obama era in the Middle East and obviously has some really horrible experiences.
Please pray for release from the horror he saw. Name him as Patriot X. Our good Lord will know him, and all others in the same spot.
They all need our prayers.
I was just watching a guy named David straight talking about PTSD and he said some things that really hit home.
The war your friend fought was not a righteous war, tho he truly believed he was doing the right thing from the bottom of his heart. His mind thinks he did the right thing but his soul knows he did not. He needs to repent for his sins so his mind and soul are at peace again.
I pray your friend finds the strength, God bless all