Almost all bank stocks are outright TANKING right now.
Even JPM, the strongest of the group, has had a minor melt-down since a few days ago when it STOLE the assets of First Republic.
And Jay Powell is either the biggest moron on the planet, or the most corrupt if it is a planned meltdown.
They are likely trying to consolidate all banking assets into a few banks, and then melt those down, too, so they can usher in the digital currency/globalist banking plan.
Almost all bank stocks are outright TANKING right now.
Even JPM, the strongest of the group, has had a minor melt-down since a few days ago when it STOLE the assets of First Republic.
And Jay Powell is either the biggest moron on the planet, or the most corrupt if it is a planned meltdown.
They are likely trying to consolidate all banking assets into a few banks, and then melt those down, too, so they can usher in the digital currency/globalist banking plan.
Dong ding ding. Right on the money