Here's a thought, if the government doesn't have the ability or the will to stop them from coming across perhaps they also don't have the ability or the will to stop 10,000 armed Americans from defending the border ourselves. I bet you a single volley straight into the air at once turns everyone around. Obviously don't do this, they'll put you in prison for sedition or some other absurd charge.
I fully agree. And the idiot sheeple would say but, but..killing peoples is wrong, bla, bla, bla.
You know, doing this would actually kill LESS people than the way it is now. Right now children and women are getting raped, abused and even murdered because OBiden told them our entire country will pay for their every need. Gave them an open invite to come get amnesty before he leaves office.
You put the first wave of these invaders down with suppressing fire and I GUARANTEE you they'll stop coming. The word will travel back to their native lands so fast it'll make your head spin.
No more invasion, no more rapes, no more murders, etc. Very simple.
Here's a thought, if the government doesn't have the ability or the will to stop them from coming across perhaps they also don't have the ability or the will to stop 10,000 armed Americans from defending the border ourselves. I bet you a single volley straight into the air at once turns everyone around. Obviously don't do this, they'll put you in prison for sedition or some other absurd charge.
I fully agree. And the idiot sheeple would say but, but..killing peoples is wrong, bla, bla, bla.
You know, doing this would actually kill LESS people than the way it is now. Right now children and women are getting raped, abused and even murdered because OBiden told them our entire country will pay for their every need. Gave them an open invite to come get amnesty before he leaves office.
You put the first wave of these invaders down with suppressing fire and I GUARANTEE you they'll stop coming. The word will travel back to their native lands so fast it'll make your head spin.
No more invasion, no more rapes, no more murders, etc. Very simple.