Like mowing the lawn; being around a smell that bothers you; not wanting to inhale hazardous dust
I wore masks before they were a thing. I always wore on planes because the smell of diesel fumes and nasty plane smell made me nauseous. As if the motion sickness weren't bad enough. Any other alternative?
What about when i make laundry soap and the dust from borax is in the air?
Sorry- got carried away. I take Borax- about 1/8th tsp or a pinch in a cup of coffee or a large cup of water maybe every week or two. To start, do that every day for a couple weeks until you feel relief, and scale it back.
The reason it works so well is because it quickly reverses a nutritional deficiency- there's not "magic" effect to ANYTHING, even Vitamin D, if you don't have a deficiency. Just taking something because "it's good for you" is not a good idea for sustainable health. You can safely supplement things you can only get from food, but be careful not to take a bunch of supplements to replace chemicals that your body makes- because it will just downregulate your ability to produce them naturally and make you more dependent on supplements.
Ideally you get everything you need from food and the sun and supplement nothing. Boron only comes from plants and your body does not make it, so Borax is a reasonable thing to supplement long-term, though eating sustainably-grown organic produce, particularly apples- should probably be enough.
Taking extra Vitamin D can help to resolve a deficiency in the short-term, but long-term it is essential to get all your Vitamin D from the sun- there are very important energy absorption effects that only occur with exposure to sunlight, and they have been almost wholly ignored in modern society. Dr. Jack Kruse is the only doctor I have ever heard talk about the role of sunlight, electricity, and physics in the context of human health- he has been curing things that are thought to be absolutely impossible- like vitiligo- for nearly two decades with light therapy and a dietary focus on seasonal, locally available vegetables and fruit with the bulk of the diet being plenty of meats and animal fats and using carbs for their intent- long-term energy storage only. You know... what humans subsisted on for millennia before we had 365 farming and grocery stores.