In the vein of "LGBTQadinfinitum"...we need to come up with our own abbreviated lable. May I suggest HRDMF: H for Homophone, R for Racist, D for Deplorabe (ode to Hilldabeast), M for Misogynist and (my personal favorite) F for Facist. Just think of the savings in keystrokes. Feel free to add any initials you think need to be added....
I was thinking that as well.....I can see the T-shirts and coffee cups now.....but I'm not much of a you know anyone who might pick up the mantle on this one?
In the vein of "LGBTQadinfinitum"...we need to come up with our own abbreviated lable. May I suggest HRDMF: H for Homophone, R for Racist, D for Deplorabe (ode to Hilldabeast), M for Misogynist and (my personal favorite) F for Facist. Just think of the savings in keystrokes. Feel free to add any initials you think need to be added....
I was thinking that as well.....I can see the T-shirts and coffee cups now.....but I'm not much of a you know anyone who might pick up the mantle on this one?
BTW....thanks for the compliment....oy, where have my manners gone.