I blew apart the San Bernardino shooting, I even was contacted by the Sean Hannity radio show and they contacted me. I laid out how it went down.
The FBI set it up as a sting like one that went down in Bowling Green Ky. But they got wise to the sting. They were supposed to attack a high school, instead they attacked his work. Why? Because they knew the FBI was on to them. So they attacked the place he worked at….. why? Because it fit their day to day routine and didn’t tip them off. They had remote control cars with explosives that didn’t go off….. why? They built complex electronic devices but they failed…. Why? Because the FBI supplied phony explosives. My theory was he discovered a tracking device on his car because he worked on his cars. The FBI, again was first on the scene. I do believe the FBI intention’s were to bust them like Bowling Green KY but it went bad and they covered it up. Remember they released the apartment about 72 hrs after the shooting and the mainstream media bum rushed the apartment contaminating the crime scene. The San Bernardino sheriff was doing an interview on the radio at the time and found out on air and was pissed as his people were supposed to process the scene.
The San Bernardino swat team was doing “training” just miles from the shooting, I believe they were training to take them down and instead of going to the intended target they jumped the gun and went to work as expected… not to raise suspicion and committed their attack. Anyway I laid out everything I come up with “much more than I have laid out here” and they dropped me like a hot rock. It was explained to me that the FBI wouldn’t do such a thing and that they knew FBI and that I was an awful person for besmirching the fine Americans at the FBI. That’s when I was Red Pilled. I never liked Sean Hannity but I didn’t know he was CIA cuck. Well that’s the story, and everything is a lie and I wish death on the bastards.
I blew apart the San Bernardino shooting, I even was contacted by the Sean Hannity radio show and they contacted me. I laid out how it went down. The FBI set it up as a sting like one that went down in Bowling Green Ky. But they got wise to the sting. They were supposed to attack a high school, instead they attacked his work. Why? Because they knew the FBI was on to them. So they attacked the place he worked at….. why? Because it fit their day to day routine and didn’t tip them off. They had remote control cars with explosives that didn’t go off….. why? They built complex electronic devices but they failed…. Why? Because the FBI supplied phony explosives. My theory was he discovered a tracking device on his car because he worked on his cars. The FBI, again was first on the scene. I do believe the FBI intention’s were to bust them like Bowling Green KY but it went bad and they covered it up. Remember they released the apartment about 72 hrs after the shooting and the mainstream media bum rushed the apartment contaminating the crime scene. The San Bernardino sheriff was doing an interview on the radio at the time and found out on air and was pissed as his people were supposed to process the scene. The San Bernardino swat team was doing “training” just miles from the shooting, I believe they were training to take them down and instead of going to the intended target they jumped the gun and went to work as expected… not to raise suspicion and committed their attack. Anyway I laid out everything I come up with “much more than I have laid out here” and they dropped me like a hot rock. It was explained to me that the FBI wouldn’t do such a thing and that they knew FBI and that I was an awful person for besmirching the fine Americans at the FBI. That’s when I was Red Pilled. I never liked Sean Hannity but I didn’t know he was CIA cuck. Well that’s the story, and everything is a lie and I wish death on the bastards.
The little CIA pin he wears daily on tv didn’t tip you off?
I really never watched him, I was put in contact with him through XM radio patriot channel people.