Canada, after passing an insane Internet censorship bill is considering banning Fox news. How dumb these Marxist regulator are. They don't realise that Fox News is just controlled opposition and banning it will have no effect on the right wing movement. It shows you how these communists think though. They assume everyone is brainwashed by some propaganda machine and can't understand that someone who can think critically is not dependent on any individual source of information for their world view, especially not Fox news .
Canada, after passing an insane Internet censorship bill is considering banning Fox news. How dumb these Marxist regulator are. They don't realise that Fox News is just controlled opposition and banning it will have no effect on the right wing movement. It shows you how these communists think though. They assume everyone is brainwashed by some propaganda machine and can't understand that someone who can think critically is not dependent on any individual source of information for their world view, especially not Fox news .
Here is an article referencing this: