James Pittman's reply attached to Alphafox78's post in the thread that says "Shooter is dead" & has a video of the actual shooter laying on the sidewalk in a pool of blood (graphic warning - video). https://twitter.com/Alphafox78/status/1655012220735201281
5/6/23 Mass shooting at Allen, TX ('quiet' suburb NE of Dallas, TX) premium outlet mall
Reported as 8 victims killed and 7 more wounded + gunman psychopath shot dead at the scene.
Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/crimewithbobby/status/1654957657147465730
James Pittman's reply attached to Alphafox78's post in the thread that says "Shooter is dead" & has a video of the actual shooter laying on the sidewalk in a pool of blood (graphic warning - video). https://twitter.com/Alphafox78/status/1655012220735201281
News article sampling:
https://www.thedailybeast.com/multiple-victims-reported-after-shooting-at-mall-in-allen-texas (graphic warning - photo of aerial view showing dead bodies covered with white sheets)