You can live with Thyroid Cancer for decades. There are many urgent forms of cancer, Thyroid Cancer is not one of them.
All Chemo does is try and overwhelm your body's innate immune response to shut it down. Your body can only process so many toxins at once, and Chemo can make your body so incredibly toxic that it begins purging itself (hence the vomiting and hair loss and extreme weight loss) The problem is that your body initiated the "Cancer" immune response ON PURPOSE. God made use correctly, and we have precisely the same immune responses to precisely the same environmental, dietary, and lifestyle exposures. When people gets cancer after being exposed to some toxic substance on the other side of the world
The various forms of cancer are just a high-octane versions of things your body already does to handle chronic toxic exposure combined with severe nutritional deficiencies.
Find out what she's missing from her diet, get her some sunshine (no sunscreen or sunglasses EVER), remove EVERYTHING toxic from her diet, get her on good animal fats/vegetables/fruits, and drop all processed foods.
Thyroid issues stem from issues with its primary nutrient, iodine- either a deficiency or long-term chronic exposure to the halide elements that compete with iodine in the thyroid gland- chlorine, fluorine, and bromine. Get her set up with an RO water filter to remove these.
My wife had severe hyperthyroidism accompanied by large nodules in her throat (called toxic multinodular goiter). We got her an RFA procedure (radiofrequency ablation- using sound waves, to shrink the nodules in the short term as they were impacting her ability to swallow and breathe), but they do come back eventually without treatment- so we addressed the underlying iodine issue. We were swimmers growing up, and lived in superchlorinated water, we ate all the BVA (brominated vegetable oil) and bromated flour
You can live with Thyroid Cancer for decades. There are many urgent forms of cancer, Thyroid Cancer is not one of them.
All Chemo does is try and overwhelm your body's innate immune response to shut it down. Your body can only process so many toxins at once, and Chemo can make your body so incredibly toxic that it begins purging itself (hence the vomiting and hair loss and extreme weight loss) The problem is that your body initiated the "Cancer" immune response ON PURPOSE. God made use correctly, and we have precisely the same immune responses to precisely the same environmental, dietary, and lifestyle exposures. When people gets cancer after being exposed to some toxic substance on the other side of the world
The various forms of cancer are just a high-octane versions of things your body already does to handle chronic toxic exposure combined with severe nutritional deficiencies.
Find out what she's missing from her diet, get her some sunshine (no sunscreen or sunglasses EVER), remove EVERYTHING toxic from her diet, get her on good animal fats/vegetables/fruits, and drop all processed foods.
Thyroid issues stem from issues with its primary nutrient, iodine- either a deficiency or long-term chronic exposure to the halide elements that compete with iodine in the thyroid gland- chlorine, fluorine, and bromine. Get her set up with an RO water filter to remove these.
My wife had severe hyperthyroidism accompanied by large nodules in her throat (called toxic multinodular goiter). We got her an RFA procedure (radiofrequency ablation- using sound waves, to shrink the nodules in the short term as they were impacting her ability to swallow and breathe), but they do come back eventually without treatment- so we addressed the underlying iodine issue. We were swimmers growing up, and lived in superchlorinated water, we ate all the BVA (brominated vegetable oil) and bromated flour
Detox for fluoride is a good first step- Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin A (eating beef liver is probably the best way to get fat-soluble animal fats quickly. Borax works well also: