Looks like you still live a happy comfortable life and suffer from 1st world privilege and have not hit the personal precipice yet. The points used on how "bad" it is, are aspects comfortable people get upset about. It can and probably will get ALOT worse. Its interesting how so many are "awake" but still soo comfy. That is the reason we are all in this shit show. Because we are comfy and allow it. If that doesnt break and change then it never will and will be a repeating cycle. Buckle Up if im right it might get real bumpy and uncomfy.
Looks like you still live a happy comfortable life and suffer from 1st world privilege and have not hit the personal precipice yet. The points used on how "bad" it is, are aspects comfortable people get upset about. It can and probably will get ALOT worse. Its interesting how so many are "awake" but still soo comfy. That is the reason we are all in this shit show. Because we are comfy and allow it. If that doesnt break and change then it never will and will be a repeating cycle. Buckle Up if im right it might get real bumpy and uncomfy.