You got taxes and fees, but what about taxes ON fees, like the processing fees tax. Layer upon layer of obfuscation of what "taxes" really are.
Taxes are nothing but an asset transfer mechanism. They are "taxing" what they already own. All the money belongs to the Fed (Federal Reserve Note), and it is the Fed that collects and receives all our taxes. They then use those "taxed" FRNs (AKA Unicorn Farts that they already own) to "trade for" our real assets (see BlackRock et al and their takeover of the housing market).
The real fraud is what we call "money" in the first place. Taxes are there to keep that machine running, to ensure that all assets are transferred to them. Without taxes there would be no reason to use FRNs in the first place.
You got taxes and fees, but what about taxes ON fees, like the processing fees tax. Layer upon layer of obfuscation of what "taxes" really are.
Taxes are nothing but an asset transfer mechanism. They are "taxing" what they already own. All the money belongs to the Fed (Federal Reserve Note), and it is the Fed that collects and receives all our taxes. They then use those "taxed" FRNs (AKA Unicorn Farts that they already own) to "trade for" our real assets (see BlackRock et al and their takeover of the housing market).
The real fraud is what we call "money" in the first place. Taxes are there to keep that machine running, to ensure that all assets are transferred to them. Without taxes there would be no reason to use FRNs in the first place.
That pretty much sums up our economic system.