59 Future isn’t looking good for White Girls (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by brain_dead 1 year ago by brain_dead +60 / -1 39 comments share 39 comments share save hide report block hide replies
One other thing to add.
God also created different-looking people to give the human race VARIETY to pick from.
Human beings by nature seek a variety of options.
Take cars for an example. There are many car models and designs.
Look at home design. There are also many different designs as well.
Take pizza places for another example.
How many vendors produce the same end product? The difference is that each pizza place puts its own spin to make a unique experience.
As a man when I look at various women. Since God is an engineer.
He engineered (DESIGNED) a variety of female models for a man to pick from. The same as a woman picking a man.
Your view of "Whites are supposed to be with whites" cannot last without bringing in a police state to FORCE people to follow certain rules.
Which is not what God wanted.