What article is Q referring to?
I think he is referring the Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2.
"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
Some historians trace the writ back to Magna Charta, although more definitive evidence shows a gradual emergence under the common law, culminating in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, during the reign of Charles II. As Hamilton’s comment shows, the Framers were well aware of the writ. Note that the Constitution does not “create” the writ; rather, Article I, Section 9, assumes the existence of the writ, but provides for its limited suspension.
Early in the Civil War, President Lincoln suspended the writ in a portion of Maryland to arrest a secessionist for destroying railroad bridges.
Chief Justice, Merryman, denounced Lincoln’s action, arguing that only Congress could suspend the writ.
(The next paragraph explains what conditions must present itself)
In classic implied executive powers fashion, Lincoln responded that the Constitution did not specify which branch could suspend the writ, only the conditions under which it could be suspended. Moreover, the President could act due to the emergency involved. Both Lincoln and his attorney general, Edward Bates, declared that the judiciary was incapable of dealing adequately with organized rebellion. Bates, in his more detailed opinion, pointedly reminded the Court that the executive was not subordinate to the judiciary, but one of three coordinate branches of government. The President took an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution,” Bates asserted, and the courts were too weak to accomplish that task.
What is being shown today?
FBI, CIA, DOJ and the courts are all corrupt / weak.
Just recently shown that FBI and DOJ posses a form FD-1023 from a whistle blower that explains criminal activity where Biden is taking money for foreign political decisions. The FBI and DOJ did not investigate.
Also recently revealed, the CIA assassinated JFK and was involved in the 9/11 plot.
Courts refused to look at the election fraud.
At some point in the near future the safety of the American people will be threatened. What will the threat be? Expiration of title 42? Bank Collapse? Nuclear threat/WW3? Perhaps a combination of all 3 scenarios? It will look like the country is on the brink of destruction.
Expiration of Title 42 is going to create a invasion, what does the Writ say?
Could we trust the FBI, CIA and DOJ to resolve all these dilemmas, protect our country and the American people? Nope!!!
If we went into a Devolution of government power or Trump signed the Insurrection Act, the military could secretly be in control and we may not realize it. Trump would have handed the military the control as a way to protect the Constitution and the American people. Biden may be the fake president through election fraud but Trump would remain Commander in Chief (CIC). This would explain the disrespect to Biden from the military on his Inauguration day.
This touches back on the DOD Law of War manual and struggle we have witnessed between the belligerent occupying power (Biden) and (Trump) as the CIC of the occupied territory. (White hat vs Black hat)
Trump is controlling our military and when Trump decides to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the storm has arrived. I have heard the military tribunals will take place in June and July. This will be when the black hats will need to appear for their court date in GITMO.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Yay! I get to give the 17th updoot!