A big part of it is centered around refusing to acknowledge their part in the delusion. They willingly (if not knowingly) embraced a terrible situation.
Now, if they acknowledge their error, they also must confront their own responsibility and culpability. That's a tough pill to swallow.
Even beyond that, if they're able to make it that far, they will have to start asking themselves what else they've been touting that is dead wrong.
It's a very difficult thing to own personal mistakes, especially when they've built an entire identity around 'the thing.' They saw themselves as righteous and those who disagreed as the enemy.
Once they finally have to open their eyes, they become the enemy. It messes with their very core beliefs. Not everyone can or will be able to make the leap.
That is why some will be lost.
The deep state knows this, by the way. The power of programming is all about building a cage within the mind. Many - maybe even most - will have a hard time breaking out of the cage if they willingly entered it and locked the door behind themselves.
A big part of it is centered around refusing to acknowledge their part in the delusion. They willingly (if not knowingly) embraced a terrible situation.
Now, if they acknowledge their error, they also must confront their own responsibility and culpability. That's a tough pill to swallow.
Even beyond that, if they're able to make it that far, they will have to start asking themselves what else they've been touting that is dead wrong.
It's a very difficult thing to own personal mistakes, especially when they've built an entire identity around 'the thing.' They saw themselves as righteous and those who disagreed as the enemy.
Once they finally have to open their eyes, they become the enemy. It messes with their very core beliefs. Not everyone can or will be able to make the leap.
That is why some will be lost.
The deep state knows this, by the way. The power of programming is all about building a cage within the mind. Many - maybe even most - will have a hard time breaking out of the cage if they willingly entered it and locked the door behind themselves.