Hillary arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. It’s literally the first Q post.
Incredible. Poetically beautiful.
Hillary arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. It’s literally the first Q post.
Incredible. Poetically beautiful.
Obama is just a puppet playing his role. Arrest the financiers paying them off. Rothchilds, Soros or whoever's bigger then them behind the curtains.
Guaranteed the puppets will cut backroom deals. Celebrities and Politicians are the bottom feeders.
99% of people have never even heard of George Soros
So many families bigger than soros. P's are well through the trillions of $
People not on top 100 wealthiest list
Step two my frem.
Obama is a communist and a cohort of the globalist and corporatists elites. They are working together to destroy America and feather their nests as well so they can control us from on high.
Ya but someones paying his bills.