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Massie called it.
Are you saying Governors can't object to executive orders involving their State? Not even a lawsuit to fight it?
Sounds like controlled opposition to me.
Stupidest >_<
Red state?
It's acting pretty blue if you ask me.
Oh we know.
Spez: fucktards like you are the same as the people that keep claiming that real communism hasn't been tried. You suck on Karls tiny little nose cock.
Sunshine republican much?
Ban xyz because it is annoying.
Fucking authoritarians can suck commie cock.
Tomorrows clown news today:
"FBI claims to have witnesses that alledge Trump is Putins puppet.
In unrelated news, please check out Tim Pools new bookdeal."
They don't play gay (soccer), they are gay.
But omg they have AI on laptops now, you fucking racist!!
Can someone make a cover from the 'manic monday' song ad convert it to a text that covered these shooting?
🎶Just another tranny terrorist, wooouoo🎶
Good thing God out ranks all that shit again.
He should put it on his resume!
I'm a date fagger and I approve this message.
Lol delusional that they actually believe what he failed to say properly.
"It came from CHAYNA!"
Omg muh redistributed wealth!
Just like Trump did here then..?
Mostly peaceful suicide.
Lol don't kid yourself. Owners of FrEe platforms don't get rich by doing nothing.
No need to make a number out of it. Just hang them once they have been through military tribunal and move on.
No, it is not.
Picked up in that one also. Devolution confirmed!
"Persecute them to the fullest extent of the law [where the executive offices are fully controlled by democrat cheaters]."
Almost was back in 2016 my fren.
Recommend reading both the whitepaper and the book Hijacking Bitcoin
Massie called it.