These people are desperate and getting very sloppy in front of the whole world...
All mass shooters have to be white supremacists no matter how transgender they are....kek
I thought people of color couldn't be racists?!...
So confused...
These people are desperate and getting very sloppy in front of the whole world...
All mass shooters have to be white supremacists no matter how transgender they are....kek
I thought people of color couldn't be racists?!...
So confused...
Hispanics can be racist against darker skinned Hispanics. Note they categorize hispanic as white and non-white. an article
Dems already blamed Trumps and FL's Hispanic vote to the RACIST Hispanics! Not the policies compared to the dems' policies, but racism!!
So black conservatives are Uncle Tom's, Hispanic conservatives are racists.
And in recent years, blacks have turned on one another with a new form of racism called "colorism", the implication is that lighter-skinned blacks treat darker-skinned blacks harshly.
and it is true -- blacks have done that to each other, and BTW they KILL each other in numbers not to be fathomed by the likes us we peaceable freedom loving Americans.
True that. Black on black crime is the worst
and no one cares, well we care; were gun laws enforced as intended, how many of these senseless murders would have been prevented?