Yes indeed! It was Bernie (2016) that woke me up. Everyone who was involved enough was completely aware of all the voter fraud Hillary was doing against Sanders. We were told he would bring it up at the convention but he never did. Nothing made sense after that. Submitting to an obvious thief isn't being a "nice guy" it's committing treason (if it's an election for the leader of a nation) As soon as they sent around some clip trying to compare Trump to Hitler I knew they were obviously projecting. They lost me. I don't see anyone going the other way either.
Very well said! I love how she acknowledges her adulthood by admitting she was wrong. It takes guts, and demonstrates character. Blessings on her.
A lot of us should be grateful, in a way, for the demonic organization of BLM. It woke up A LOT of people.
Yes indeed! It was Bernie (2016) that woke me up. Everyone who was involved enough was completely aware of all the voter fraud Hillary was doing against Sanders. We were told he would bring it up at the convention but he never did. Nothing made sense after that. Submitting to an obvious thief isn't being a "nice guy" it's committing treason (if it's an election for the leader of a nation) As soon as they sent around some clip trying to compare Trump to Hitler I knew they were obviously projecting. They lost me. I don't see anyone going the other way either.