To the detracters out there, the President just didn't say things that would appeal to the people, he means it. For example, our energy crisis could be solved if we just drilled for oil though Democrats will state that the President wants to drill on top of Mount Rushmore. (Had to include a Simpsons reference, so so me.)
Besides that, the thing that got me is that the President's plan for Ukraine is "I want people to stop dying."
Remember what a wet turd Geraldo was (is). He is still treated as if his opinion has value. That is her future.
Can't wait for Geraldo to disappear into obscurity. He's almost there.
He's spewing crap on twitter to remain relevant.
Can't stand to even hear his voice! Such a narcissist. The empty vault was the best thing to ever happen to take him down! And, on Live broadcast! 😹
Can't wait for POTUS to give him a nickname!