Never. Ever. Ever did I think I would make a post like this my frens and anons. I could use some prayers.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
It's time to make a stand and go it alone. I have to protect my daughter and keep her out of a school system that has harmed her already. I'm going to stand up to a system that we all know. I'm going to do it peacefully.
I pray that God will be with me. And that you will too, a bunch of people I have never met but are important to me regardless.
God made us and dwells within us. Therefore children need to learn very early that we respect God when we respect ourselves. Our sex was determined by God as part of His divine plan at birth. Any attempt to change that goes against that plan. When we align with God and his plan and thus allow Him to lead us, our lives have richness and meaning and we enjoy His grace and blessing. When children learn that early they are better able to resist the temptations of the devil and his minions. They are able to set a better example to those around them.
This. All parents must establish the philosophical basics in their families- even Socrates the heathen worked out that there is absolute good and that we must always better ourselves and our children toward the good. (He also established that God would be perfect goodness, which was very contrary to the Greek pantheon, harmful to temple profits, and therefore he was sentenced to death...)
Truth is not relative- as soon as you preface something ("his" truth, "social"justice), you split it away from the absolute and corrupt it. The sun is hot, the sky is blue, water is wet, there are two sexes. Anything else is pretend, which is okay for kids playing, storytelling, but never to insist that fantasy is real. (Sophistry, again back in ancient times, was all about "relative" truth, used to excuse all sorts of cringe and immorality, and was successfully debunked way back then, too.)
There really isn't much new under the sun, it turns out! Keeping the enslaved populace ignorant is also a time-honored technique to maintain power.
Is the sun hot though? Or is it only hot in relation to an organism such as ours that is sensitive to it in such a way that it produces the feeling of heat? Take anything hotter than the sun, and we know there are plenty of things hotter than our sun, can you still claim the Sun is hot when compared to an object hotter than it? Is the sky blue? Well for us who have eyes that can see color, and given certain environmental factors, of course it is, but given those same eyes at night time the sky is black, which one is really true? Is the sky blue or is it black? Is there an "absolute reality" that we can experience directly? Or can we only experience things relative to the way our organism is structured and the environment that we are a part of?
See, when you use language there isn't a way a proper way to talk about something like the absolute undivided nature of reality and God, because the moment you attach a name to it you have created a division. In reality nothing is divided, there are no seperate things, as you say "truth is not relative", but how can you experience that as a sensation, how can you feel something that is completely undivided? The entire experience of being a conscious human is in relation to something, the entire reason we can even feel ourselves existing whatsoever is because we also feel that there are things that aren't us we feel divided from called "the external world". To be able to feel at all you absolutely have to have some type of blockage, some type of force obstructing you, something that feels other than you, that doesn't mean that in reality this thing is actually seperate from you, but to be able to experience it whatsoever you must atleast feel it as so, otherwise there's nothing to feel!
So while the underlying nature of reality, of existence, of God, is a kind of undivided absolute truth, our experience of it is not. Can you conceive experiencing what it might be like to feel absolutely everything all at once, with absolutely no distinctions and nothing to divide the experience at all? An experience wherein you cannot tell yourself apart from anything around you, you cannot tell "something" from "nothing", an absolute experience. Personally, I can't. Or if I can, it would be something akin to experiencing the sensation of absolutely nothing happening at all. The only reason I seem to be capable of feeling anything at all is that I am able to distinguish between experiences. And from the experiences I can distinguish between these all seem to be relative, for example, the sensation of heat depends entirely on how close I am to something that is producing heat. I don't just feel heat randomly, I can't conjure up the feeling of heat out of thin air, it is only relative to my environment that I feel heat whatsoever. Also, my experience of feeling heat depends on the existence of another feeling that isn't heat I experience, it's the reason why when you hold your hand under hot water for long enough it stops feeling so hot, and the same thing when you go from sitting in a hot tub for an hour into a lukewarm pool you feel the pool is freezing whereas normally it's warm. The way we experience reality is relative, if it weren't then someone like a "masochist" could never exist, pain would be something absolute.
Another thing you have to remember as well, and this is critically important but it is something so basic that we have forgotten it. Words, no matter what words they are, no matter how amazing and correct they sound when you hear them, are not the reality they are describing. When you say something like "look at this rock I'm holding", the reality of you holding a rock is not the words "look at this rock I'm holding", those words, if spoken, are a sound, a sound that only has any kind of meaning if there is someone nearby who speaks the language. In other terms, words are a symbol, they represent reality, they are not that reality itself, they are an abstraction.
Need an entire bottle of Thousand Island or Ranch to go with that word salad. Ya lost me when I tuned out halfway through that mumbo jumbo.
I like to buy a
Vowel Pat ⬆️⬆️⬆️
No. You're getting into distraction by semantics. Go back to Aristotle and his very nice breakdown of reality, visible invisible soul and form. Set aside twisty words, because you're taking down a relativist pathway and start again with truth. Rose is a rose even if you call it poop; it has the intrinsic form of a rose and the building blocks to produce more rose.