Neighbor (early to mid 60s woman) came out the other day and started talking me about Target. She had went shopping for her grandson. She didn't understand why all the boy clothes were pastels and/or covered in rainbows. Also, mentioned how soon there wouldn't be a girl or boys sections. I explained they are after the kids, brainwashing and population control.
Never really talked to her about this stuff. She agreed there is an evil agenda occurring. She could feel and see it. She knows tough times and trials are ahead, but she is not afraid because she believes in Jesus, so she has peace within the chaos. I agreed and told her there were more of us out here then she realizes and to remember no matter what GOD WINS!
Neighbor (early to mid 60s woman) came out the other day and started talking me about Target. She had went shopping for her grandson. She didn't understand why all the boy clothes were pastels and/or covered in rainbows. Also, mentioned how soon there wouldn't be a girl or boys sections. I explained they are after the kids, brainwashing and population control.
Never really talked to her about this stuff. She agreed there is an evil agenda occurring. She could feel and see it. She knows tough times and trials are ahead, but she is not afraid because she believes in Jesus, so she has peace within the chaos. I agreed and told her there were more of us out here then she realizes and to remember no matter what GOD WINS!
Thanks for sharing.
I hope so. Not seeing it in my daily encounters.