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8-year-old 2nd grader found on the third day of being lost in the porcupine mountain wilderness area!!
** CORRECTION ** CORRECTION ** It was NOT a Michigan DNR management official that reprimanded Matt when he came out with the lost boy. It was the Federal Forest Service Officer involved with the Incident Command Post. All the DNR officers that were on site had boots on the ground and were out looking and searching for Nante. None of them were involved with the Incident Command Post. Each of the approximately 20 DNR officers that were there each day were all out in the wilderness searching and each one traveled on foot 10 to 20 miles per day.
This story has way more depth than what you have heard from the national or local news.
The Incident Command Post (ICP) was not even allowing this group of guys to go search for the boy. After finding the boys tracks on Sunday night, Matt Tingstad fought like hell with the ICP chief commander to allow him and his group to go out and look for Nante. The commander told Matt that he would only allow him to go with two of his searchers and he gave him group 8A. Going against the grain, and what he was told he was allowed to do, Matt knew where the boy was and he took all the other 11 guys with him to help him search. The boy, Nante, was 232 yards away from the coordinates that Matt had given the ICP the night before. Matt even showed ICP the boys foot print pictures and the videos that you see attached here. The boy should have been found on Sunday night but they chose not to go look for him in the area that Matt told them that the boy was located.
A search and rescue helicopter actually flew right over the top of the boy and he looked up and saw the pilots face and his helmet and Nante was waving like crazy. He even thought that they made eye contact and he couldn't believe that the helicopter kept going, so he thought he was supposed to follow the helicopter out to safety and Nante started chasing it.
The ICP did not even allow any public searchers to go look for the boy, not even his grandpa !!!!!!!
I am absolutely appalled and I have already contacted our state senator for investigation into this matter. I want this known publicly as to what truthfully went on and why the state would have such ridiculous rules in a search and rescue operation. Don't you think that the more skilled people that were looking, the better it would be?
The other 11 guys that Matt recruited were woodsman, loggers, and hunters, who knew the area.
Each of these men are heroes but Matt is the one that actually found the tracks left by Nante on Sunday night. Matt Tingstad is the key hero here!! it was at Matt's 14th mile of searching on Sunday when he found the tracks of Nante and still had another 2 1/2 hour walk back out to the road.
It was Matt's perseverance and opposition with ICP that got him able to go find Nante, even when they told him "NO" he continued to persevere and pleaded for his group to be allowed the opportunity to go find him.
The ICP had all the rescue teams searching 8 miles in the wrong direction and when the 12 man crew came out with Nante, Matt was actually reprimanded by the Federal Forest Service Officer for going where he was not allowed to go, and even threatened him with going to jail. Matt's answer was, "why would I go look for him where he wasn't? I knew where he was and I told you last night where he was, but none of you chose to go look where I told you he was located."
This needs to get out and be made public and this needs to make the national news!!
PLEASE SHARE THE HELL OUT OF THIS POST!!! Mutti Jussi Matt, if I have written anything here that is incorrect, please let me know and I will edit this post so that it is the 100% gospel truth. Ed McBroom This is a teaching moment, things at the State level need to be changed. When you have true woodsman, loggers and very experienced hunters that know the area, they should never be held outside of the search area! Click on each of the two links below to see video of the boy on the way out of the forest.
Incident Command Post (ICP)